I really need to learn how to operate this blog properly-trouble is I can't find the time to do that so I will continue to plod along.
I have a friend on the Internet from Japan-Yumi-and Yumi has sent me some lovely brushes. How blessed am I?
This is her blog http://yumiyumayume.wordpress.com/? Yumi learns to paint on porcelain all over the place and she does some lovely work.
I have made a couple of cards but can't post them just yet.
I have such a pain in my head today that the proposed visit to Elaine did not happen. I will visit Wednesday as next Saturday it is the Craft and Sewing Show and I will be attending that for sure.
We went to see the Harry Potter Exhibition at the Powerhouse Museum and we weren't allowed to take photos so I took a photo of the Lego Neptune at Darling Harbour instead.
This shot I took as we waited for the River Cat home. It is a lovely way to go to town and so cheap $2.50.
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